
HW 7

I completely disagree with the designer in the article here. He states that reducing the amount of ink used can have major ecological impacts and goes on to state that printer ink is one of the most expensive liquids, which is true, but that . only tells a part of the story. Printer ink is expensive not because its components are scarce but because it can be. Companies can sell printers for cheap and then make a quick buck by charging an arm and a leg for the ink. Sure cutting down on ink use would save companies money, but acting like there is some sort of ecological impact is disingenuous

HW 6

Logos and branding are very valuable tools. Perceptions about products are largely based around the logo and packaging of said product. So in the design world you are essentially creating a mini sales pitch to every would be consumer. If you can sell ice to the eskimos then you just may be good at branding

HW 5

I was surprised just how collaborative of an effort it is to make a movie poster. I always envisioned an office somewhere that just pumps out posters at a film company's demand, but I never realized how hands on it is from the film company/director and just how much input they have

HW 4

"artificial beauty is as old as the moving image, and the lore runs deep" It's been long known that Hollywood goes through extensive efforts to make every actor, actress, and model pristine works of art. But in this article when the true extent is revealed it is still somehow shocking. Toward the end of the article it is asked whether celebs have personal videos altered, to which the informant says  “I have done somebody who is 10 times more famous than Kim Kardashian,”  and then he said. “It was her birthday home video, and I cleaned her up". It's pretty insane to think that things like that are happening